How to detox from cannabinoids? Here is the solution to addiction.

Here is the solution to detoxify from cannabinoids

Everything you need to know if you wonder how to quit smoking joints after years

Many people who habitually use marijuana wonder how to detoxify from cannabinoids to defeat addiction or, in the other case, pass drug tests for work.

Let’s talk about addiction because, unlike CBD weed, illegal cannabis in the US contains THC. This psychoactive substance is addictive and, over time, can make regular consumers into slaves of its effects.

It is not uncommon for long-time smokers to experience cannabinoid withdrawal syndrome, and they find it very difficult to quit using cannabis (even for short periods!).

Today, intending to help you quit smoking joints, we have decided to write an entire in-depth study about it and support you in achieving your goals.

In the following few lines, you will find helpful information and advice to detoxify yourself from cannabinoids and avoid falling back into this vicious circle of which you are a prisoner.

Weed addiction: how to get out of it?

Cannabinoid addiction originates from the link between THC and dopamine and the constant and assiduous use of high-THC weed.

How to get rid of cannabinoid addiction

The leading players in this scenario are, the tetrahydrocannabinol from illegal marijuana and our brains.

CBD cannabis, however, is not involved in the same dynamics because it contains THC in percentages lower than 0.2% and high levels of CBD. This active ingredient limits the action of tetrahydrocannabinol.

That said, you need to know that THC stimulates dopamine production, a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in reward and pleasure mechanisms. When the body reaches dopamine levels higher than usual, it tends to demand this hormone’s overproduction, establishing a dependency relationship with substances capable of giving these effects (such as THC).

Stopping the intake of THC determines the onset of the withdrawal syndrome, to a different extent depending on the case. Specifically, here are the possible symptoms of cannabinoid withdrawal:

  • sleep disturbances, such as insomnia and difficulty falling asleep
  • dysphoria (anxiety, irritability, depression, apathy)
  • loss or decrease in appetite

Of course, these symptoms are temporary: they usually last a few weeks.

The problem is that people who can say “I quit smoking joints” have had to contend with both THC withdrawal and nicotine withdrawal … And the latter is much more challenging to overcome than addiction to joints, especially if you don’t make up for it with cigarettes!

So, how to do it? The “trick” is to remedy the symptoms of cannabinoid withdrawal and, if you don’t smoke traditional cigarettes, use a tobacco substitute, such as an electronic cigarette.

Focusing on THC, you need to know that cannabinoid withdrawal medications do not exist, but we have some tips for overcoming withdrawal as smoothly as possible.

Read also: Hashish: how is it made and what are the differences with cannabis (even in the effects)?

1. Use natural substances to relax and be able to sleep despite the lack of THC.

As you have read, sleep disturbances are among the main symptoms of THC failure. The most effective remedy (after removing the cannabis supplies from your room) is to resort to natural, relaxing products, which can promote restful sleep.

Among the main ones, we find a chamomile, valerian, melatonin and CBD (however, be careful for your health, it is better to use CBD oil without smoking legal weed joints !).

Taking one of these substances regularly, preferably at the same time of the day, will help you sleep peacefully and fall asleep quickly.

2. Cannabis withdrawal dysphoria: how to remedy it?

Dysphoria, a condition diametrically opposed to euphoria, is the most unpleasant consequence of giving up smoking joints. This syndrome results in particular symptoms such as depression, anxiety, irritability and sudden mood swings, but we have 2 good news for you:

  1. these symptoms resolve spontaneously within a few weeks;
  2. there are remedies you can take to ease the dysphoria.

Among the best solutions, we find, first, talking to a reliable person who can understand your situation and help you find an outlet for your mood. Secondly, the intake of natural substances to improve the mood.

Natural remedies for cannabinoid withdrawal

Here, below, which ones:

  • Melissa
  • Magnesium
  • Ginseng
  • Griffonia
  • Passionflower
  • Hawthorn

You can find them in any herbalist’s shop, even online, in the form of supplements or herbal teas and take them regularly as long as you feel the need.

Read also: What are the best types of legal weed? The top 10 updated

3. Remedy loss of appetite during cannabinoid withdrawal

Do you want to know how to detox from cannabinoids and overcome the withdrawal crisis? Know that, in addition to sleep disorders and dysphoria, you must also remedy the lack of appetite.

While the use of THC causes the so-called “munchies”, or the unstoppable desire to bite any food that is nearby, stopping taking it causes the opposite symptom, namely lack of appetite.

In this case, we suggest you use natural supplements such as vitamin B1 (thiamine) and other products that you can find in pharmacies or herbalists.

In conclusion

To detoxify from cannabinoids, you must first eliminate all traces of marijuana and hashish from your home and, subsequently, deal with the THC withdrawal crisis.

The best way is to be patient and take, for a few weeks, natural supplements capable of remedying sleep disorders, lack of appetite and symptoms such as depression, anxiety and mood swings.

You will see that, in a short time, you will be able to claim to have defeated the addiction to reeds proudly!

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